As a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic we have adopted stricter Risk Assessments and follow the Social Distancing guidelines. Please contact us to discuss any projects you would like to progress
Ecological Surveys Ltd
‘The conduit between biodiversity and development’
Welcome to Ecological Surveys Ltd.
You will find us a friendly, pragmatic and helpful bunch.
The Managing Director of Ecological Surveys Ltd: Paul Diamond, is a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM), a Professional Member of the Arboricultural Association (MArborA) and an Associate of the Landscape Institute (ALI).
Paul holds Protected Species Licences for: Bats (Class 2) Dormice (Class 1), Great Crested Newts (Class 1) and Barn Owl (Class 1). Paul is also an Associate of the Landscape Institute.
Office Manager and Company Secretary: Phin Diamond – BACA (Hons) PGCE
Prior to joining Ecological Surveys Ltd, Phin was a Primary School teacher for over 20yrs and still enjoys going into schools to discuss biodiversity and engage children in our native wildlife. Phin is responsible for co-ordinating the workflow within Ecological Surveys Ltd. Phin holds a Class 2 Bat survey Licence.
Sarah Board – BSc (Hons), MSc, MCIEEM provides advice on a whole range of ecological issues and is particularly knowledgeable on habitat restoration and management.
Nikki Taylor BSc (Hons), MCIEEM – holds Natural England Survey licences for white claw crayfish, dormice, barn owls and bats.
Tom Glover BSc (Hons), MSc holds a Natural England Survey licence for Bats at Level 2. Tom undertakes a wide range of Phase 1 and Phase II surveys.
James Roberts BSc (Hons), James has a background in Conservation and Land Management and holds a Natural England survey licence for Dormice.
Anna Martlew BSc (Hons), Anna has recently started with us and is already proving to be a great addition to the team. Anna will hopefully obtain her Dormouse licence at the end of 2021.
We also have a team of experienced self-employed ecological contractors, many of who have been with us for a number of years. We are proud that Tony Atkinson 2021 recipient of The Pete Guest Award – Awards – Bat Conservation Trust (bats.org.uk) regularly works with us
All of our Ecologists, Arborists and Landscape Architects are qualified to at least degree level. Between us we hold protected species licences for bats, dormice, GCN, barn owl and white clawed cray fish and in addition to these species have significant experience with badgers, water voles and invasive species
Each year we issue many 100’s of reports to support planning applications and have successfully undertaken projects in the following Counties: Berkshire, Bristol, Cambridgeshire, Cornwall, Devon (All Councils), Dorset (All Councils), East Sussex, Gloucester (Several Councils), Hampshire (All Councils), Herefordshire, Isle of Wight, Leicestershire, Rutland, Somerset (All Councils), Surrey (Several Councils), West Sussex and Wiltshire.
Our website is intended to provide information on the considerations and procedures required to meet the Ecological / Arboricultural requirements of the planning process. However, individual planning authorities and often individuals within planning authorities can differ slightly as to what they expect a planning applicant to provide for validation purposes.
Therefore, no website can replace talking directly to us –
Office: 0800 888 6846 / MD Paul Diamond – Mobile: 07736 458609
We are more than happy to discuss any proposals that you might have, or talk through your Ecological or Arboricultural concerns and discuss your Landscape design needs/requirements.
If you would rather email us details, please do so: help@ecological-surveys-ltd.co.uk
So, whether you are an experienced Architect / Planning Consultant, a Developer, or a Home Owner looking to undertake a project of whatever size, talking to us at an early stage will cost you nothing, but might save you a lot.
We offer a full suite of Ecological Surveys and Arboricultural Surveys/Reports and can assist you with your Landscape Design needs too. Please click on the various links provided (above and below), to access the relevant information.

Habitat Surveys
Phase 1 Surveys
Extended Phase 1 Surveys
Hedgerow Surveys
NVC Surveys
Ecological Impact Assessment (EIA)

Tree Surveys - BS5837/2012
‘Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition & Construction – Recommendations’.
Protected Species Surveys

Reptile Surveys
We have experience with all native UK reptiles and would be pleased to discuss your needs

Dormouse Surveys
We are able to undertake dormouse surveys and design suitable mitigation strategies.

Great Crested Newt (GCN) Surveys
Our licenced surveyors are able to undertake all of your GCN needs.

Bird Surveys
Nesting bird surveys, Cirl bunting surveys, Winter bird surveys, Wetland bird surveys. Discuss your requirements with us.
Other Surveys

Invertebrate Surveys
Certain sites will require specific surveys for invertebrates. Occasionally, specific species will require a focused survey. For example – Stag beetles

General Botany and NVC Surveys
Unusual or particular habitats may require surveys focused on plant species. We can undertake surveys at various levels of detail

Badger Surveys
Badgers and their Setts are protected. We can provide surveys tailored to meet the specific needs of your site

Lichen and Bryophyte Surveys
Lichens and Bryophytes are specialist species. Certain habitats may require that these species are adequately surveyed for

Otters and Water Voles are ‘Protected Species’ albeit under different legislation. If you have water on, or adjoining your property / site, you might require a survey for these species. Click the button below for further details.